
Showing posts from November, 2021

What Is a Savior Complex?

There are times where we might associate the term savior complex (aka christ complex or messiah complex) with something positive. For example, if you want to help other people because you’re caring and empathetic, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, right? It is important to be aware of when it can become harmful, however. Some of the behavior patterns associated with always wanting to be a savior can become toxic for the person showing those behaviors and even for the people they’re attempting to help. Always wanting to save other people, for example, can do more harm than good and creates codependent and unhealthy relationships. Codependency is a dysfunction that we often see in relationships involving substance abuse. These patterns can occur in an intimate relationship, but other types as well. Savior Complex Meaning It’s normal to want to help people we care about when in a challenging situation in any healthy relationship. It would be abnormal to feel otherwise. These can be sign